Tuesday 4 March 2014

Back to Weight Watchers, Day -1

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I've been slacking at updating my blog. I always seem to feel too busy or too tired, I just need to get into the habit of doing it. But Spring is definitely on it's way (in my opinion as I believe Spring starts on 21st March, but if you ask my Dad he'll say it started on 1st March!) and with the sunshine and lighter evenings I've found renewed energy and motivation!

So, I'm re-joining Weight Watchers again tomorrow evening. I'll be starting the plan on Thursday morning, so that will be "Day 1" so tomorrow will be "Day 0" which makes today "Day -1"! There's a new system you can follow in the beginning called Simple Start. It seems to be similar to the filling & healthy plan. I always lost the most when I did filling & healthy most days then had a few days doing pro points.

Zumba is going well. I really love it and have been to 12 classes so far. I hurt my ankle so stopped going for a week then I went back for a week which made my ankle hurt more so I gave myself a 2 week break from it and in my 2nd week of my break my ankle didn't hurt at all. I went back on Wednesday last week and then I did Monday night and my ankle hurt slightly yesterday. I was originally doing it in my fashion trainers from River Island which probably weren't supporting my feet that well but I've got some good, supportive Nike trainers now. I've only worn them the last 2 classes and they did make my toes feel funny but I think I may have had them laced too tight. I hope slackening them off means they will be more comfortable; it's too much money to spend on a pair of shoes I'll never wear, especially considering they're not even very pretty!

I've read 8 books this year so far so I'm making good progress at my 50 book target for the year. I was slightly behind but then I read all 3 books in The Hunger Games Trilogy in the last week. I really loved the series and couldn't put the books down, especially the last book because I had no idea what was coming, whereas I've seen the first two films. However, I did feel a bit disappointed with the final book, Mockingjay. I won't say too much in case you've not read it yet, but I think it felt a bit rushed and left a lot of things unanswered.

As for Project Life, I haven't even started it! I keep forgetting to take pictures! I think I'll start it with my birthday and then if I keep it up I can do one album for each year of my life from each birthday to the next, rather than one album for each calendar year.

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